randi(at)randistrand.no   Mob  +47 91322406
Visual artist, born in Norway (1962). Lives and works in Oslo. Holds a master degree from Bergen Academy of Art and Design (-92). My ideas have been realized in various techniques and media: graphics, drawing, land art, sculpture, installation and video, but the artist book has been my main medium. I have explored the book as a time-based medium, as a sensory and metaphorical object. Most of the books are handmade, many move towards sculpture / installation. The reader releases the book's dramaturgy. This action can be seen as a performance, a silent ballet, a ritual gesture. 

Member of www.codexpolaris.com/ Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe and Randi Strand are behind the artist group Codex Polaris, which since 2013 has promoted and facilitated opportunities for artists working with books in Norway and the Nordic countries. Last project: curator of the exhibition "The Artist Book: Unique and Diverse at Kristiansand Kunsthall https://www.kristiansandkunsthall.no/utstillinger

My prints and books are sold from https://atelie.art/   https://bastardbok.no/ https://www.norske-grafikere.no/  https://tekstallmenningen.no/  Or you may contact me directly.

1996-97 Oslo University College, arts and crafts teacher training.
1993-94 Lisbon Art Academy, Portugal
1986-92 Statens Høgskole for Kunsthandverk og Design, Bergen (College of Applied Arts and Design in Bergen)

Artist’s Books, photography, sculpture, drawing, printing, land art, video

2024  Det gule huset, Asker
  Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo, solo exhibition
2023  Telemark Kunstsenter, Skien, duo exhibition with Giske Sigmundstad
2019 The Norwegian Forest Museum, Elverum

2019 The Norveg Museum, Rørvik
2019 LevArt, Levanger
2017 Olav H. Hauge Museum, Ulvik
2016 The Røros Museum, 'Spennvidde', Røros
2012 Gallery Monthly, Nesodden, Oslo
2010 Norveg, Coast Museum, Rørvik,
2010 Association of Norwegian Printmakers, Oslo
2009 Sami Center for Conteporary Art, Karasjok
2009 Gallery Nord-Norge, Harstad
2009 Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art, Tromsø
2006 Porsgrunn Art Association, Porsgrunn
2006 Haugesund Museum of Fine Art, Haugesund
2005 Østfold Art Center, Fredrikstad
2004 Galleri www.vincent-lunge.com
2004 Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art, Tromsø
2001 Association of Norwegian Printmakers, Oslo
2000 Trøndelag Center for Contemporary Art, Trondheim
2000 Land-art project, Bergen European City of Culture 2000, Bergen
1999 Gallery F15, Moss
1999 Hordaland Art Center, Bergen
1997 Bergen Art Association, Bergen
1996 Gallery USF, Bergen
1996 Hordaland Art Center, Bergen
1996 Gallery Café Sting, Stavanger
1995 Gallery Villvin, Risør
1994 Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisboa

2021/14/06 The National Annual Autumn Exhibition
2019/17/14/07/05/03/00/99/ 98/97/95/93 Trøndelagsutstillingen (regional exhibition)
1998/96/95/93 Vestlandsutstillingen (regional exhibition)
2000 Østlandsutstillingen (regional exhibition)

2024 Art Museum Nordtrøndelag, Namsos, «Collection Vol. 2»

2024 Vevringutstillinga, Naustdal 

2024 Booked 2024 Taidekeskus Itä (Art Centre East), Lappeenranta
2004 MUU, Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Artists book exhibition, Helsinki

2024 International Print Triennial, SMTG Main Exhibition, Krakow
 2024 Bergen Art Book Fair
2023 13 th International Contemporary Print Biennial of Trois-Riviéres, Canada 

2023 Supermarked Independent Art Fair, Stockholm. Represented by MUU, Helsinki from BOOKED exhibition.
2023 «Manifest/o», Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2022 BOOKED 2022, Artists Book Exhibition, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre

2022 (w)ORD EBBE+FLOW, 124th Annual Show, The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture, Edinburgh

2022 Malmö Artist’s Book Biennial, Victoriateatern, Malmö, Sweden
2022 CHART Book Fair 2021, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, København, Denmark
2022 Impact 12, Virtual Exhibition, International Printmaking Conference, Bristol 

2022 Galleria Duetto, Artists’ Books Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland

2022 (w)ORD: EBBE+FLOW, An Tobar, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland. Scottish and Norwegian artists.
2022 "SIGLA BINDA", Galleri Ìslensk Grafik, Reykjavik, Iceland
2022 Bastard Art Book Fair, Lillehammer, Norway

2022 BABE, Bristol Art Book Event, Bristo
2021 NORDIC SALON 2021, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg, Sweden

2021 Galleri Entrée, Bergen, «SIGLA BINDA», five Icelandic and five Norwegian artists
2021 «Booked 2021» Art Book Exhitibion, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Center, Helsinki
2021 CHART Book Fair, Kunsthall Charlottenborg, København, Danmark

2021 «(W)ORD» USF Verftet, Bergen. Group of Scottish and Norwegian artists.

2021 Bristol Artrist’s Book Event 2021 (digital) with Codex Polaris
2021 Bergen Art Book Fair (digital) with Codex Polaris and Arkir
2021 Kristiansand Kunsthall, "Room for books". Kurt Johannesen, Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe, Randi Strand
2020 Within Facades / The Gym, LKV, Trondheim
2020 Trondheim Art Book Fair, Trondheim
2020 TAXO Exhibition, Galeria Imaginarium, Lodz, Polen
2020 Grafikktriennal XVI, Nordic Contemporary Print Triennial, Sweden
2019 HIT, International Print Festival, Haugesund Art Gallery, Haugesund
2019 Bastard Art Book Fair, Lillehammer
2019 Codex 2019, Bookfair & Symposium, San Fransico, USA
2019 FruitExhibition 7, Art Book Fair/Exhibition, Bologna, Italia.
2018 abC Shanghai Art Book Fair/ Exhibition “China Meets Norway in a Bookshelf #2”, Shanghai, Kina
2018 Multippelmarket, Project Room Helium, Fredrikstad
2018 Concerned Artists Norway, Deichman Library, Oslo
2017 Centro Cultural Scandinavium, ‘Re-cognition: Contemporary Norwegian Printmaking’Sao Paulo, Brasil
2017 Templeman Gallery, “Prescriptions”, University of Kent, UK
2017 10 th International Contemporary Print Biennial of Trois-Riviéres, Canada
2017 Pinacoteca, Santos, ‘Re-cognition: Contemporary Norwegian Printmaking’ Brasil
2016 The Museum Building, 'Nyt kapiettel', Scandinavian Artists Books, Kopenhagen
2016 Stormen, Kunstrommet, 'Taste of Book', Bodø
2016 Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, 'BOOK ART', Arendal
2016 USF Verftet, 'Taste of Book', Bergen
2016 Museu Alfredo Andersen, ‘Re-cognition: Contemporary Norwegian Printmaking’, Curitiba, Brasil
2016 KALEID Editions, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo
2016 Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, ‘Precriptions’ Canterbury, England
2016 Association of Norwegian Printmakers, Artist’s Books Exhibition, Oslo
2015 Casa Fiat de Cultura, ‘Re-cognition: Contemporary Norwegian Printmaking’ Belo Horizonte, Brasil
2015 KALEID 2015 Touring US: Boston Athenaeum, Brooklyn Museum, Layfayette College, Metropoitan Museum of Art, MoMA, Rhode Island School of Design, SAIC, Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection, Swarthmore College Library, Wellesley College Library, Yale Center for British Art
2015 Art Academy London, Kaleid Editions 2015, Artists Book exhibition, London
2015 Gallery Titanikas, 7th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2015, Lituania
2015 Museum Leone, 7th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2015, Vercelli, Italy
2015 Centro Cultural Correios ‘Re-cognition: Contemporary Norwegian Printmaking’, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2015 Museum of Fine Arts Liège, 10th International Biennial of Contemporary Prints, Liège, Belgia
2014 National Museum Brasilia, “Re-Cognition. Contemporary Norwegian Printmaking”, Brasil
2014 Akibatamabi21, 3331 Arts Cyd, Artist Book Exhibition Tokyo, Japan
2014 Petter Dass Museum, Alstadhaug, Norge
2014 Doverodde Book Arts Center, “Norske Bøker”, Doverodde, Denmark
2014 7th Internatioanl Printmaking Biennial of Douro, Portugal
2013 Tophane-i Amire Culture & Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 Museum of Lamego, “Global Print 2013”, Portugal
2013 Vigeland Museum, Norwegian Sculpture Biennial, Oslo
2013 Opole Contemporary Art Gallery, “Where is printmaking? In search of New Meaning”, Poland
2013 Horst Janssen Museum “Graphically Extended”, Oldenburg, Germany
2012 6th Internatioanl Printmaking Biennial of Douro, Portugal<
2012 International Print Triennial Krakow 2012, Main Exhibition, Krakow, Polen
2012 “Forms of form”, Galleri Sverdrup, University of Oslo, Oslo
2012 “6th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2012" Kloster Bentlage, Rheine,Tyskland
2012 “6th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius” Vilnius
2012 “6th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius”, Leipzig
2011 “Rolling up”, Art Museum of Xian Academy of Fine Arts, Xian, China
2010 Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia, Italia
2010 European Book Art Bienale, Satu Mare (EIBAB) 2010, Romania
2010 5th International Printmaking Biennial of Douro, Portugal
2009 Art Center Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, Danmark
2009 5th International Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius 2009
2009 Leipzig Book Fair, Leipzig, Germany
2009 Vevringustillinga 2009, Vevring
2009 “Kunstnerboken”, Tegneforbundet, Oslo
2009 “Brød for kunsten”, Galleri BOA, Oslo
2008 Vevringutstillinga 2008, Vevring
2007 AVE 2007 - Internasjonal Video festival, Landmark, Bergen
2007 Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo
2007 IN/BETWEEN: VOICES, Stamsund, Lofoten
2006 Summer Exhibition, Nord-Trøndelag Fylkesgalleri, Namsos
2006 Laznia, Centre of Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
2006 "Prosjektrommet 93 - 06", Galler F15, Moss
2005 ""Vincent Lunge XV" Galleri Seilduken, Oslo
2003 “Artists'books”, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal
2002 “10 grafikere” (10 graphic artists), Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund
2002 “A4”, Galleri Kunstverket, Oslo
2001 Novosibirsk International Contemporary Graphic Biennial, Russland
2000/94 The King St. Stephen Museum, International Artists´Books Exhibition, Hungary
2000 Cracow International Print Triennial, Poland
1999 Gallery Zero, Barcelona, Spain
1999 “Nordisk grafikk stafett” (Nordic print relay), Brandts Klædefabrikk, Danmark
1999Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo
1999 Norwegian International Print Triennial, Fredrikstad
1999 Galleri OBK, Oslo
1998 11.th Tallin Print Triennial, Tallin
1997 Galleri UKS, “The other Art”, Oslo
1993 Bergen Art Association, Bergen
1993 National Art and Craft Museum, Oslo
1992 Gallery Akruell Kunst, Oslo
1992 Gallery UKS, Oslo

2023/21 The National Museum’s library, Oslo, Artists’ book collection
2023 Smith College Special Collection, Northampton, USA
2023 Kulturhuset, the new cultural center, Steinkjer
2022 The Walker Library of The History of Human Imagination, Stamford, USA
2021 The Free Library of Philadelphia, USA
2021 National Museum of Decorative Arts, Trondheim
2021  Verdal Municipality, Vinne School
2021 Art Museum NordTrøndelag, Namsos
2020 The Fine Art Library, The Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Trondheim
2020 Yale University, The Robert B. Haas Arts Library, USA
2019 Stanford University Libraries, USA
2016 Bomuldsfabriken Arthall, Arendal
2016 Rhode Island School of Design, USA
2016 Beaney Art Museum, England
2016/15 Swarthmore College Library, USA
2015 Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburgh
2014 KODE, Art Museums of Bergen
2013 Centre for Artists' Books (CAD), Dundee, Scotland
2007 Diakonhjemmets høgskole, Sandnes
2007 Gassco, Stavanger
2005 Trondheim Kommune
2001 Novosibirsk Art Gallery
2003/01 Kunst på Arbeidsplassen (Art at work)
2001/99 National Gallery, Oslo
2000/94 The King St. Stephen Museum, Hungary
1995 Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvik

2021 National Annual Autumn Exhibition, The Printmaking Award from The Association of Norwegian Printmakers
2020 Gold Award for the artist book ”PRISME 1”, Most beautiful books of the year, Grafill
2020 Diploma for the book ”99/9 Vestervik”, Most beautiful books of the year, Grafill
2017 Critics’ prize, Trøndelagsutstillingen. ARABESK (film)
2014 "Ordknappen" for the book Berøringsstrofer, Books for everyone, Norway
2003 Critics’ prize, Trøndelagsutstillingen. Photos from the series "Memoria"
1998 Diploma, 11th Tallin Print Triennial
1995 Diploma for “ORDAKT”, Grafill, most beautiful book of the year


2019 Book: 99/9 Vestervik, LevArText
2018 (w)ORD, Residency, Isle of Mull, Scotland
2013 Book "Berøringsstorfer" in coolaboration with writer Ivar Orvedal. Solum Forlag.
2010 Invited Competition: Time Bibliotek / Nasjonalt Garborgsenter
2008 Contribution to book: A4 #1. Published by Attaat.
1994 Artists'book: "ORDAKT" (600 ex) in collaboration with writer Ivar Orvedal

2024 Bildende kunstneres hjelpefond, exhibition help
2024 Visual Artists' Remuneration Fund, project help
2023 Arts Council Norway, project help
2023 Bildende kunstneres hjelpefond, exhibition help
2023 Visual Artists' Remuneration Fund, project help
2020 Association of Norwegian Printmakers Fund, grant
2018 Fritt Ord, project help, book: 99/9 Vestervik
2018 Art Museum Nord Trøndelag, project help
2017 Arts Council Norway, exhibition grant, LevArt and Norveg
2017 Visual Artists' Remuneration Fund, project help
2016 Norwegian Printmakers Fund, grant
2016 Municipality of Bergen, project help, group
2015 Visual Artists' Remuneration Fund, project help, group
2015 Arts Council Norway, project help, group
2015 Arts Council Norway, exhibition grant, group
2015 OCA, Bergen Kommune, Den Norske Ambassaden, travel support BABE, Arnolfini
2014 Visual Artists support fund / The North Norwegian Art Center, project help
2014 The Scandinawia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation, travel grant
2013 Association of Norwegian Printmakers Fund, project help
2013 Arts Council Norway, project help
2012 Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard Foundation, grant
2012 Arts Council Norway, exhibition grant
2010 Government Guaranteed Income for Artists
2010 Arts Council Norway, project help
2010 Norwegian Printmakers Fund, project support
2010 Norwegian Illustration Fund, project support
2008 Arts Council Norway, exhibition grant
2007 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, project support
2006 Government Work Grant for artists (3 years
2005 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, grant
2004 Arts Council Norway, exhibition grant
2003 Arts Council Norway, exhibition grant
2003 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, grant
2002 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, grant
2000 Norwegian Printmakers Fund: Kathinka og Olav Mejdells legat
2000 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, grant
1999 Bergen European City of Culture, project support
1999 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, grant
1998 Visual Artists´ Remuneration fund, project support
1996 Norwegian Printmakers Fund, grant
1995 Art Council Norway, debutante support
1994 Norwegian Printmakers Workshop, work grant
1994 Young Artists´Society, work grant
1993 Visual Artists´ support fund, grant
1993 Arts Council Norway/Kassettavgiftsfondet , project support
1993/94 Research Council of Norway, study grant

The Norwegian Drawing Association
Norwegian Visual Artists
Norwegian Printmakers

2014-2016  Control Committee, Association of Norwegian Printmakers
2012-2013 Norwegian visual artists´ Grant Committee
2004-2007 Norwegian Printmakers Fund, Board member

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